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Thursday, December 20, 2012

pat's sleeve

Pat has been enamored with Egyptian art and history since long before I met him, and had been toying around with the idea of converting his existing Eye of Ra tattoo on his left arm into an Egyptian sleeve for years. On Saturday (12/8) Pat finally got started! I had looked into an artist named Cynthia Davis a while ago because one of Pats friends Sara has an amazing sleeve done by her, and after seeing some of her work with shading, Pat decided he would like to use her as well. So, after visiting with her a few weeks ago to talk concepts and put down a deposit, we spent upwards of four hours in All American Tattoo in Salem over the weekend.

We were both really into the concept drawing that Cynthia adapted from some examples that Pat brought in, and based on her line work thus far we are very impressed and excited for the next step, shading!

Here are some pictures of the outline process:

[[ the parlor. pat before. getting the stencil ready. sign. the sleeve outline in progress. the completed outline. ]]

The design incorporates Anubis, Horus in his falcon headed adaptation, a stylized scarab with feather wings, and the Eye, which will have sun rays radiating out of it, sort of as a take on the Sun of Many Hands, once the shading is complete. Pat's previous representation of the Eye of Ra tattoo will be moved to the inside of his arm as well, but will be rendered differently than last time since the "branded" technique is hard to maintain. There may be some other elements involved before completion, but if you look closely at the detailing, you will see that many traditional shapes and symbols are being represented also, such as the ank that Anubis traditionally carries with him, and line work with shapes from ancient dress and popular hieroglyphic symbols. The entire thing will be in black and white.

I love it so far, and I am really excited for him!

((( more posts to follow the remainder of the process when we get there )))